I don't get people, relationships and well, people. Love is no longer that feeling of smelling vanilla cakes being taken out of the oven, relationships are no longer about sitting on a see-saw on a wet, rainy day. Its all become so complicated. People use big words like 'trust' and 'faith' and they all sound so empty, as if we are all on a podium, waiting for our turn to come so that we make a point and then wait for our medal to come our way.
I mean, really, why does life have to look like a complicated math equation? Why can't we just accept people the way they are, love them, and hell, if need be, even fight with them but in the end, still be able to read paragraphs out of books for those people while sitting at India Gate or something.
But everything, including ourselves, is painted in thick strokes of something. Something that doesn't let us breathe, something that does not allow us to love and give freely. My question is, such a long life and we spend it keeping an account of who loved who more, who broke whose heart worse and blah and blah and blah...why can't it be simple? Why? Why must it all bind us, make us accountable? So that we all end up looking, behaving and loving the same way.
People are making people turn into machines, robots who all behave the same way, understand hatred and cheating better than love and loving.
So here's something to think about, I have a friend called Himani, she keeps saying really nice, happy things to me and no matter how the rest of the world might be making me feel like shit, the things she says make me feel all yellow and golden with sunshine.
So try it,a quick fix recipe for a more smiley life - think happy pretty things and life will suddenly feel like a fairy tale!
Now what's your story morning glory? Are you feeling all sunny side up yet?