Sunday, April 8, 2012

Love. Again. Always new.

The resonance of love is a wavelength.

Like sound.



The merging of two people’s consciousness into the singular consciousness that shields us.

Why only two people?

An entire world’s consciousness is united when it is purged with love.


Anandi said...

Hi Rochie,

the entire world is united in love. You gave me the hope to love and after 3 years, I have it. Sorry, i dint write earlier to tell you about it. But am one of the callers whom you helped. My world was black. You changed it to white and pink and sunny yellow. Now I am learning reiki and in the process of discovering myself.

Rochie said...

Dear Anandi,you have no idea how wonderful it makes me feel, when I am told that I could make a difference in someone's life. You have enriched my day and also my life, by allowing me to reveal the colours in your life.
I wish you love, light, joy and colours in your life always. May the good fairy of smiles and laughter always shine on you...

Chaitanya Jee said...

Rochie! this poem is really beautiful.

Love, even when not experienced to its true and heightened form (The one which your poem refers to), even when it is earthly and very human, elevates and ennobles.